
  • Stars Will Guide You Home.

    England 1940- Britain has just entered into war against Germany. Four teenagers meet on a random evening in a rural English countryside town and spend one memorable evening together. "I was always told that the stars are brightest here” one of them says to the others. Soon after that evening they enter the arena of war, one in the army, one in the navy, one as a nurse and one as a factory worker. Their lives are constantly in danger, they face numerous challenges throughout the world and never know if they are facing their last day on earth. Whenever they get a chance they all look up at the stars and hope that one day they will guide them back home.

    You can buy the book here

  • Keep Calm & Carry On Learning

    Ever since man walked on this planet, there has been a need for sales. Even if you are not a salesperson, there are fundamental ‘sales’ skills that help you in life, and without realizing it, you are likely interacting in sales activities every day. On top of this in the last few years, more and more sales-specific roles have been created around the world, with millions of people now classifying themselves as sales professionals.

    For the last twenty-plus years, James McGuinness has immersed himself in the world of sales. He has hired and trained hundreds of sales professionals and surrounded himself with many different sales experts and leaders. There are thousands of sales books out there, but James takes a unique approach with this book. He has combined his love of writing fiction stories with what he has learnt and seen in sales to create nine short stories. Each of the stories brings together numerous different fundamental yet simple learnings that the reader should be able to grasp. While new trends and methodologies may evolve in sales, these learnings should stand the test of time. From painters and decorators to wedding planners, bakers, and grandparents, James has created fictional characters that take you on a sales learning journey.

    You can buy the book here

  • Chloe Stone & The Orbs Of Destiny

    Chloe I need to tell you about who you really are. I am going to ask you a few questions.

    Question one, you are staring out the window right now and there are thousands of stars, do you believe that we are the only form of lifeform in the galaxy?”

    “Of course not” 

    “Question two, did you try to search the internet to find the private school your mom and I agreed to send you to in the fall and you found nothing.”

    “Yeah that was weird”

    “Question three, you are both top of all of your classes at school and you are a champion at all the sports you do like karting, mixed martial arts, and swimming, correct?”

    “Yes correct”

    “Question four, you have never taken a day off school for being sick? ever had a sports injury and neither has your mom as far as you can remember right?”

    “Now that I think about it, you are probably right”

    Her dad was smiling. “Chloe you are not normal in comparison to others on this planet, you are what is called an alien or extra-terrestrial!”